Booking and Joining Information
Non-members are welcome, but cannot view availability online, or book the court themselves,
so please contact us in order to arrange a booking.
Please note we are an unmanned facility so please do not turn up expecting to be able to play.
Court Opening Hours:
08:00-21:30 Monday - Sunday
Non-members court fee:
1 hour is £24 (with lights £28)
1.5 hours is £36 (with lights £42)
Members court fee:
1 hour is £20 (with lights £24)
1.5 hours is £30 (with lights £36)
Rackets for hire:
£1 per racket per session
New balls to purchase:
£5 per tube of 3 balls
Members Joining Fee
Our membership is £24 per calendar year, starting on the 1st of April.
Therefore if you join part way through the year, we ask for £2 for every full month to the end of March.